There is a Gala Dinner following the plenary sessions on Friday, November 20 (6.00-9.00 PM). This will take place in Kayu Arum Resort Salatiga at Antasena Conference and will provide an opportunity for networking over a full-catered meal. The Gala Dinner is not included in the conference registration. Hence, additional fee as Rp150.000,00 (per person) will be charged to join this Gala Dinner.
How to register:
- Make sure that you agree to pay Rp150.000,00 (per person) which is excluded from the conference registration fee
- Transfer payment Rp150.000,00 (per
person) to
BCA - Ardiyarso Kurniawan
- Screenshot/download the receipt then save it to your computer/smartphone
- click here to register and upload the receipt
- Notification will be sent to your email address
For further
information, please contact:
Kurniawan (Wawan) - His/He
0812 2580 6073